Thursday, April 26, 2012


   This blog's going to get me in trouble, I can already tell. At some point, what little filter I have will realize that there simply aren't enough of you reading this, and it'll take the rest of the entry off, leaving me with my foot in my mouth. Or my head up my ass. Doubtless some extremity will find its way into an orifice of one kind or another. All I can do is ask, oh so humbly, that you, Friend, Family or Foe, forgive me fast and forthwith for the funny or false framings of my foul and fecund fingertips and their friviously unfettered ... um, phrases? Fuck!
   Anyway, most of you I assume will be my close friends and/or family and knowing me, won't mind too terribly much. Because as Dr. Seuss wrote, "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish." Which, as I've always taken it to mean: write what you want, rhyme when you can, and make shit up the rest of the time. Hmm. Probably should've rhymed that.    That said, here's the plan: My Facebook musings (or ramblings as some see them) have simply grown too long for Posts, but oftentimes too short for me to say everything I want. Plus, they clutter up everybody's feeds. So, on occasion I'll use this blog to go on and on about the random, trivial, and mundane thoughts that enter my brain as I drive around all day. Hopefully you find it entertaining and at the least thought-provoking. I look forward to any comments you may have.

1 comment:

  1. Fair warning...

    1. Comments are addicting. MMM, sweet sweet validation...

    2. Blogging will get you in trouble. Guaranteed. I had one for several years, it almost got me fired 3 times.

    3. I'd like to have one again, however I think the only want I could do it is to post anonymously. I still hate the fact that if I say fuck on Facebook, I'll get in trouble because certain people will see it...

    4. Learn how to properly format, it makes your blog better. However don't obsess over CSS Style Sheets, that shit will eat your soul.
